Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Its never too late to start

Hi I am Shane.  I am new to the blog thing.  Its not anything I have ever though about doing before.  I am very close to finishing my degree in Computer Science Technology.  I have been told several times over the past few years that I need to write.  I have written a few poems over the years but none recently.  So here I am.  A friend started a blog and it just hit me that maybe this is how I am supposed to write. 

I have done many things so far in my 38 years.  I still have not done everything that I want to do.  I don't think I see this as a problem though because I still have a lot of life to live.  It seems like there have been a lot of setbacks in the last 10 years but then I look back and see that they may have been beginning points instead of setbacks.  If it were not for getting divorced for the second time before I was thirty I would not have met my wife.  It works the same for a lot of those times in my life.  I would not have moved to the current town I live in if I hadn't had to move out of the place I was living due to bankruptcy.  Now comes the point in my life where I went back for a college education.  I was a car salesman and got laid off when after the big Stock Market crisis in 08 caused the car business to come to a screeching halt. I found myself unemployed and evicted.  I decided it would be a good time to go back to school and started working in a retail store.  I started classes the fall of 09.  That was just over a year ago and I only have 5 classes that I have to get through to get my degree.  It has gone so fast.  It is to the point in my life where there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I can see the end.

I have also come to realize that I am really looking forward to not working retail anymore.  I sometimes am a little scrooge like when Christmas stuff comes out before Halloween.  I am ok with it after Thanksgiving.  In retail they begin to bring out all the Christmas stuff in September.  This along with "Black Friday" and the grouchy customers that come in 2 days before Christmas and are surprised when what they want is all gone makes me look forward to not working in retail. I think I will end with that.

Until the next time.


  1. What is your plains after your degree?

  2. Ugh.. I hate black fridays!! With a passion.. I even kind of hate shopping because of my time in retail. It will destroy what ever spirit you have during the holidays. Good luck with writing.

  3. I haven't shopped on a single Black Friday since I worked in retail. And Christmas items in September is awful!
